“Literacy is not the end of education nor even the beginning. It is only one of the means by which one can be educated. I would therefore begin the child’s education by teaching it a useful handicraft and enabling it to produce from the moment it begins its training”, Mahatma Gandhi.
Toys are not just for entertainment or recreation, but can also be used as a learning resource for the mental, physical, social, and emotional development of a child. Toys can open up and ignite the mind of a child in a way that can sharpen its critical thinking skills, analytical reasoning, and ability to grow into a self-regulating adult. Mittimate was established with a similar principle of promoting and implementing a way of learning that develops skills in children that are essential for the 21st century.
It is a brand that develops toys and games that make learning fun and entertaining while working on the holistic development of a child. Its puzzles teach children about their surroundings and impart general knowledge, board games, and brain teaser toys that challenge them to think critically, do-it-yourself and make-your-own model toys that encourage them to build innovatively.
Mittimate is a brand of Nageen Edtech, a sister company of Nageen Prakashan, one of the leading academic publishers in the country for more than five decades. Mittimate was established with the vision to manufacture products that contribute to the development of physical, intellectual, emotional, cognitive, and social abilities in children from the start and celebrate a winner in every one of them.
Its crosscurricular, multimodal approach to interactive learning allows an opportunity to develop children’s social skills, their ability to collaborate on a focused task, and to strategize and implement plans as a group. Play is fundamental to children’s ability to learn about the world and their place in it.
Hence, Mittimate’s toys, games, and DIY activities focus on the holistic development of children supporting essential skills development that can get left out of less pleasant learning activities.
Holistic Education & Skills Development
Keeping sustainability in mind, Mittimate uses materials that are sustainable and healthy for the environment in most of its products. The brand aims to make all of its toys sustainable in the future. The brand's focus is not just on offering toys to children but on creating interactive learning opportunities customized according to their age group. It has different categories of toys and games that match children’s cognitive age making play a natural and enjoyable way for them to keep active, stay well, and be happy. Choosing the right game for themselves helps them to improve their cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being. Mittimate, through its unique games and toys is making playtime and learning more fun for children by developing their essential skills.
Mittimate, through its unique games & toys is making playtime & learning more fun for children by developing their essential skills
Educational Benefits of Providing Toys to Children
"Mittimate has an expansive online presence offering a vast range of toys that inspire joy, creativity, and learning. From interactive games to brain teasers that challenge young minds, and from wooden toys for kids that embrace tradition to innovative 3D model toys, Mittimate is using carefully selected educational toys that increase social cohesion in ways that have a lasting impact on every child", shares Vatsal Jain, Director. With such a wide range of innovative products, Mittimate aspires to become a household brand in the years to come. The company is highly focused on building the brand online more prominently and creating awareness to implement toy-based learning for children and move towards fun-filled, engaging, and stress-free learning for their holistic development. Moreover, it has also partnered with various schools across India where it has been successful in inculcating the play-andlearn culture showcasing the true power of toys as instruments of learning and development.
The Future Roadmap
The world is moving into a digital age and children nowadays are mostly exposed to various alternatives for entertainment and learning. Mittimate’s main goal has been to promote toys that encourage screen-free time and develop products that promote critical thinking, strategizing skills, and general knowledge and allow children to do teamwork, build innovatively, and develop their fine motor skills. Its goal is to keep introducing games, puzzles, and DIY activities where children are able to get the most out of their playtime. As a brand, it wants to expand its offering both online and offline, Pan India, and, then also introduce itself in the foreign markets.
Children’s success as learners depends on strong foundations developed from infancy. Play-based learning fosters critical skills, understanding, and dispositions that are essential for a child’s lifelong learning and well-being. Mittimate, through its variety of products, is encouraging a play-based approach to children’s learning and development.