"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new"- Socrates. He undoubtedly knew a tonne about how lot effectively build a brand or any kind of business. Additionally, he lived in the time before Christ.
The brands of the future are more adaptable and driven by disruptive technology than the brands of the past. Brands that don't periodically cause a ripple in the market's structure are likely to disappear. This change forces industry titans to constantly work to stay afloat, whilst tiny enterprises are able... >>More
Asia Business Outlook Team
Avinash Barik, Online Content Writer, Asia Business Outlook
Dr. K. Madan Gopal, Senior Consultant (Health), NITI Aayog Cyberbit
Simon Ma, Director & Regional Manager-ASEAN, Freshworks Cyberbit
Ruchika Malhan Varma, Chief Marketing Officer, Future General India Insurance
Ar. Khozema Chitalwala, Principal Architect & Designer, Designers Group