As a self-made business owner, managing your company's finances may be very stressful, especially when you're first starting out. Even once you've achieved some level of success, remembering to always cross all your financial ts and dot all your i's adds another degree of complexity to running the firm, which in turn takes time away from activities that generate income.
An outsourced CFO service can be the perfect alternative if you are unable to hire an internal chief financial officer. You're not alone if you're thinking of outsourcing the CFO... >>More
Asia Business Outlook Team
Asia Business Outlook Team
Vinit Dungarwal, Director, Ams Project Consultants
Dr. Richard Lobo, Head- Innovation & CQH, Tata Chemicals
Vinay Malhotra, Regional Group COO, VFS Global
Ar. Khozema Chitalwala, Principal Architect & Designer, Designers Group