The corporate legal advisory market in Malaysia is in a growth phase due to the regulatory reform, the ascending business risks as well as the rising levels of economic activity. As Malaysia further pushes forward to be a critical player in ASEAN, there is an increasing need for complex legal solutions. The increase in the number of patents has also been attributed to one major aspect and that is the shift in the regulatory environment. Malaysia has been experiencing a shift in the legal front with the regular changes in the corporate laws, taxation systems and other legal compliance.... >>More
Vito Saluto, Head - ESG, AMEA Power
Waqas Ahmed, Head of IT, Liaquat National Hospital & Medical College
Calvin Chan, Chief Commercial Officer, Scoot
Himanshu Gupta, Founder & CEO, Lawyered
Lito Villanueva, Executive Vice President and Chief Innovation & Inclusion Officer, RCBC
Senpathi Jayawickrama, Chief Transformation officer, Hirdaramani Group
John Kallelil, Founder & CEO, XED