Indian businessmen in Hong Kong have greatly contributed and have played a pivotal role in the growth of its economy. Over the years, Hong Kong has been a hub for business and entrepreneurs from different parts of the world; the Indian community has been very active in the business and finance sectors in Hong Kong. Indian investors have also opened up numerous luxury hotels and property development businesses, which are significant players in the Hong Kong economy, particularly in the tourism and property sectors. These ventures show a clear appreciation of market needs and the provision... >>More
Praval Upadhyay, CEO, Sunshine
Jennifer Sun, Head- Plan Managers Asia, Computershare
Vikas Awasthi, Director/Head- Government Business, Check Point
Luc Delauzun, Head - Marketing, Simmons & Simmons
Fernando Serto, Field Chief Technology Officer - APJC, Cloudflare
By Ken Lam, Head - Marketing & Communication, HKBN Enterprise Solutions
Voralak Tulaphorn, Chief Marketing Officer, The Mall Group