Amidst tumultuous political upheavals, social quandaries, and economic ambiguities, the business sphere in Afghanistan undergoes profound metamorphoses. Resilient captains of industry, undeterred by these formidable hindrances, propel their enterprises forward with tenacity, innovation, and steadfastness. Demonstrating remarkable fortitude and ingenuity, they navigate the terrain with aplomb. Many adeptly harness technology to surmount logistical hurdles and penetrate untapped markets. For instance, mobile payment platforms facilitate transactions with greater... >>More
Sumit Dutta, Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Asean Business Partners
Asia Business Outlook Team
Gregg Ostrowski, CTO Advisor, Cisco AppDynamics
Ahmed Tanveer, Chief Operation Officer, Daraz
Matthew Monaghan, Head of DSJ Global, APAC
Joya Scarlata, Director of Marketing, Interra Information Technologies
Yohanes Jeffry Johary, Managing Director, OCS Group Indonesia
Rajesh Kumar Singh, Global Head - HR, KPIT